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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Guidance icon


Updating the register of beneficial owners

Obtaining access to the e-system

A prerequisite for access to the BO system is the creation of a profile in the governmental gateway, based on the following options:

  • Creation of a profile of the legal entity concerned (company/partnership) (i.e. the entity whose BO details will be registered)
  • Creation of a profile of the official*** (natural person or legal entity), of the legal entity concerned. With this option, the official/partner (natural or legal person) can enter the details of BO for all the legal entities in which he/she is appointed.

As soon as the above profile is identified, access to the e-Register of BO is obtained through the website of the Companies Section, selecting the "Electronic Services", and then the "eFiling of Documents"/Registration of beneficial owner particulars, or alternatively through the website.

*** Currently this procedure applies only to Cypriot citizens holding a Cypriot identity card.

Creation of a legal entity (company/partnership) profile

For more details, in regards to the creation of the legal entity profile, click here.

The profile of each entity must be created and owned by the company/partnership's officers/partners and not by persons acting on his/her behalf. The name and password to access Ariadne are confidential and should only be known by the profile owner.

Each entity may create any form of email which may also be under the domain of its service provider. 

Following the creation and activation of the profile electronically, a prerequisite for access to the BO system is the authentication of the profile, which must be done with a physical presence as desribed below.

Authentication of the legal entity profile (company/partenship)

The authentication can only be done by physical presence at a designated Citizens Services Center operating nationwide by arranging an appointment via telephone. For more information with regards to the procedure, click here

For further details in regards to the documents you need to provide to authenticate your legal entity profile, see the relevant details on the website (click here). 

Creation of a profile of a natural person (who is appointed as an official/partner in the entity for which the BO details are submitted)

For more details, in regards to the creation of the natural person profile, click here.

Following the creation and activation of the profile electronically, a prerequisite for access to the BO system is the authentication of the natural person profile. For more details, click here

Before the creation and authentication of the natural person profile, you are advised to ensure that your identity card number is registered in the Companies register. Otherwise, you will need to notify a change of the natural person's details by notifying the HE4 form.

For any questions/technical difficulties please contact For further information regarding the BO registry, please see the guidance and the BO FAQ's.

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