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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Tips & Notes


Conditions for omitting / dispensing with the word “limited” from the proposed company name:

  1. The objects of the company to be incorporated must relate to the promotion of:
    • commerce;
    • art;
    • science;
    • religion;
    • charity; 
    • any other community interest purpose.
  2. The company’s profits if any or other revenues must be used for the promotion of the company’s objects and the company must prohibit the distribution of dividends to its members.
  3. The company’s memorandum of association must explicitly state that it is a non-profit company.
  4. The company’s memorandum of association must explicitly state that in the event of the company’s dissolution, any surpluses shall be distributed exclusively to non-profit community interest organisations, with objects similar and/or comparable to the objects of the company under dissolution.

For further information regarding the relevant procedure, you are advised to refer to the following pages:


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