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Find everything about business entities, fast, easy and smart!
Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property

A business name is the name with which a natural or legal person having a place of business in the Republic of Cyprus can carry out business. Find out what we mean when referring to a business name, the initial obligations as well as the different business entities you may choose from. 

The lifecycle of a business name consists of its startup phase, its running and its closing.

A step-by-step guide is provided regarding the procedures to be followed at each stage in order to maintain an updated register of business names and to ensure the business name's compliance with its obligation to the Registrar of Companies.

Utilize the available electronic services, including those of electronic search in the business entity’s register and the electronic registration of a business name, for faster and more efficient processing of requests.

Here, you can have instant access to popular tasks such as search in the business entities register, the registration of a business name, updating business name's particulars as well as obtaining certified copies.

Here, you will find a variety of information such as, forms and fees, relevant legislation, gazette, statistics, tips and notes, which will assist you in your business name’s management. 

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