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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
What is a Business Name? icon

What is a Business Name?

Business name is a name by which a natural or legal person can carry out business having a place of business in the Republic of Cyprus. In case where a business is carried out under a name other than their real name, the registration to the Registrar of Companies is obligatory particularly in the following cases:

  • natural person having a place of business in the Republic of Cyprus and carries out business under a business name other that his'/her's real name. For example, Andreas Georgiou can trade as Georgiou, Andreas Georgiou, A. Georgiou without registering to the register of the Companies Section,
  • any company registered to the Companies register carrying out business under a business name other than the name of the company.

For more information please refer to the initial and relevant obligations of a Business Name.

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