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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
What is a European Company? icon

What is a European Company?

A European Company (SE) is a legal person established according to the Council Regulation (EC) no 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the statute for a European company (SE).

The main advantage provided by the incorporation of an SE is that it facilitates business activity in more than one country of the EU through:

  • a simpler way of carrying out business activity in more than one member-state without having to set up a network of subsidiary companies in each state;
  • ease of movement on the common market through transferring the corporate seat in another member-state without its dissolution;
  • ease of employing personnel from more than one member-state in managing the business.

As a Cypriot company,  an SE company is an independent legal entity, meaning, is a separate person from the individuals incorporating or managing it. Therefore, the Se members are not personally liable for the debts or other obligations of SE and cannot be sued by the company’s creditors.

An SE may have two (2) alternative types and be incorporated in five (5) different ways.

For more details please refer to the initial and relevant obligations of an SE.

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