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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
What is the place of business of an Overseas Company? icon

What is the place of business of an Overseas Company?

An Overseas Company incorporated outside the Republic of Cyprus and establishes a place of business within the Republic, pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Law, Cap. 113must be registered , within one month from the establishment of the place of business.
The establishment of place of business in the Republic of Cyprus does not require the creation of a new legal entity in the Republic of Cyprus, but rather creates the possibility for a legal entity incorporated outside the Republic to operate as a branch in the Republic of Cyprus.

It is noted that, an overseas company that has established its place of business in the Republic of Cyprus shall have the power to hold immovable property in the Republic of Cyprus.

Every overseas company must appoint an authorised person to:

  • accept on its behalf the service of legal documents and of notices required to be served on the company.
  • represent the company and the place of business in transactions with third parties and before courts and authorities.

For more details please refer to the initial and relevant obligations of an overseas company.

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