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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Initial and Relevant Obligations of a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) icon

Initial and Relevant Obligations of a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)

Contract of Formation

The contract of formation is the document according to which an EEIG is established, and specifies, inter alia, the following:

  • the objects for which it is established;
  • confirmation of its members’ commitment as to its formation;
  • regulations on the manner of its operation;
  • decision making, in order to ensure its smooth operation.

The contract of formation of an EEIG includes at least the following information:

  1. name of the grouping and, before or after it, the words “European Economic Interest Grouping” or the initials “EEIG”, unless these words or initials are already contained in the name;
  2. seat of the grouping;
  3. object of formation of the grouping;
  4. name, corporate name, legal form, residence or corporate seat and, if any, number and method of registration in the registers for each member of the grouping;
  5. duration of the grouping, when it is not unlimited.

The above mentioned contract of formation is filed with the Registrar of Companies simultaneously with the submission of the request for its registration, depending on the method of establishment, the incorporation, the transfer of seat, or registration of branch, are notified to the Registrar of Companies by submitting forms ΕΟΟΣ1 or ΕΟΟΣ2 respectively.

Following the registration of an EEIG, any amendments relating to the contract of formation are notified to the Registrar of Companies by the submission of ΕΟΟΣ4. For further details, please visit page Updating the contract of formation.

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