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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Tips & Notes icon


Tips & Notes

Displaying results 1-7 of 35 matches for Entity Company, Lifecycle Running a Company clear
Get information on the different ways of submitting a request by hand / post.
Get information on how to pick up certificates and other documents from the mail boxes located at the offices of the Registrar of Companies.
Get information on the certified copies / certificates of companies that can be requested on line via the e-filing system of the Companies Section.
Find out what we mean when referring to small and medium-sized companies.
Find out what we mean when referring to small and medium-sized groups.
Get information on the procedure of creating a file of tranlations in order to be able to obtain certified copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of your company in a foreign language.
Get information on the conditions for omitting / dispensing with the word “limited” from the proposed company name.


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