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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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Tips & Notes

Displaying results 43-49 of 58 matches for Entity , Lifecycle clear
Get informed about the main criteria of review and the most common reasons for rejection of the filing of accounts of receipts and payments.
Get informed about the main criteria and the most common reasons for rejection for the filing of a notice of cessation of receiver/ receiver - manager.
Get informed about the main criteria of review and the most common reasons for rejection of the filing of a merger/ division.
Get informed about the main criteria of review and the most common reasons for rejection for the filing of a conversion of private property to public.
Get informed about the main criteria of review and the most common reasons for rejection for the filing of a conversion of public company to private.
Get informed about the main criteria of review of an application and the most common reasons for rejection of the filing for company restoration.
Get information on the certified copies / certificates of partnerships that can be requested on line via the e-filing system of the Companies Section.


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