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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property

Initial and relevant obligations

Share capital

The nominal capital may consist of issued and non-issued share capital. The issued share capital corresponds to the amount of the nominal capital which the company has issued to its shareholders, while the non-issued share capital corresponds to the amount of the share capital which has not yet been issued.

In case where an overseas company has issued share capital, the constitutional documents of the company must state the amount of the issued capital which has been issued.

Details regarding the share capital are notified to the Registrar of Companies by completing and submitting form AE1 simultaneously with the submission of the request for establishment of overseas company’s place of business. Following the registration of the overseas company’s place of business, any changes concerning the share capital are notified with the form AE4. For further information, visit the page Updating share capital or company’s name and amending constitutional documents.

The details of share capital are published in the electronic register of the Registrar of Companies.

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